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North Georgia Youth Football Jamboree scheduled for Saturday

Youth football jamboree

The first North Georgia Youth Football Jamboree is set for Saturday at the Sonoraville Recreation Complex.

The event will feature several local youth teams in the 8U, 10U, and 12U levels preparing for their upcoming recreation seasons.

The mini-games will include a 15 minute offensive period and a 15 minute defensive period for each team. There will be no special teams plays and a 35 minute break between games. Admission will be charged. The gate fee is $5 for adults over 16, $2 for ages 7-16, and children 6 and under are free.

Concessions will be available for purchase.


SONORAVILLE SOCCER 1 (unless noted otherwise)

8:00am — Gordon Panthers vs. Calhoun Patriots

8:00am — AKD Rome Wolverines vs. Bartow Steelers (Soccer Field #2)

8:40am — Brainerd Bills vs. Bartow Packers

9:20am — Chattanooga Cowboys A vs. Bartow Steelers

10:00am — AKD Rome Wolverines vs. Bartow Packers

10:40am — Chattanooga Cowboys B vs. Gordon Panthers

11:20am — Chattanooga Cowboys A vs. Bartow Packers

12noon — Bartow Steelers vs. Chattanooga Cowboys B

12:40pm —- Calhoun Patriots vs. Brainerd Bills

1:20pm — Gordon Panthers vs. Chattanooga Cowboys A

2:00pm — Chattanooga Cowboys B vs. Calhoun Patriots

2:40pm — AKD Rome Wolverines vs. Brainerd Bills


SONORAVILLE REC FIELD (unless noted otherwise)

8:00am — North Rome Colts vs. Bartow Packers

8:40am — Rome Apaches vs. Bartow Steelers

8:40am — Gordon Punishers vs. Calhoun Buffalos (Soccer Field #2)

9:20am — Pepperell Dragons vs. Bartow Jets

10:00am — Rock Springs Mustangs vs. Bartow Packers

10:00am — North Rome Colts vs. Brainerd Bills (Soccer Field #2)

10:40am — Gordon Punishers vs. Bartow Steelers

11:20am — Pepperell Dragons vs. Calhoun Buffalos

11:20am — Chattanooga Cowboys vs. Rome Apaches (Soccer Field #2)

12 noon — Brainerd Bills vs. Bartow Steelers

12 noon — Gordon Punishers vs. Bartow Jets (Soccer Field #2)

12:40pm — Chattanooga Cowboys vs. Bartow Packers

12:40pm — North Rome Colts vs. Calhoun Buffalos (Soccer Field #2)

1:20pm — Rock Springs Mustangs vs. Pepperell Dragons

2:00pm — Brainerd Bills vs. Rome Apaches

2:40pm — Rock Springs Mustangs vs. Calhoun Buffalos

3:20pm — Bartow Jets vs. Chattanooga Cowboys



8:00am — Bartow Tigers vs. Gordon Ashworth

8:40am — Bartow Raiders vs. Model Blue Devils

9:20am — Cedartown Bulldogs vs. Chattanooga Cowboys

10:00am — Bartow Tigers vs. Brainerd Bills

10:40am —Bartow Falcons vs. Cedartown Bulldogs

11:20am —Model Blue Devils vs. Gordon Ashworth

12 noon —Bartow Raiders vs. Chattanooga Cowboys

12:40pm —Cedartown Bulldogs vs. Brainerd Bills

1:20pm —Bartow Falcons vs. Chattanooga Cowboys

2:00pm —Bartow Tigers vs. Model Blue Devils

2:40pm — Bartow Raiders vs. Brainerd Bills

3:20pm — Bartow Falcons vs. Gordon Ashworth

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