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GHSA eliminates football preseason scrimmages; delays cheer competitions and OAP

In response to Wednesday's Georgia High School Association meeting with the Sports Medicine Advisory Council, Executive Director Dr. Robin Hines has decided to implement the guidance listed below: (from the GHSA website, posted August 6)

Football: (Due to high risk and physical contact)     Continue to practice as outlined in previous guidance so athletes and staff will be in a controlled environment     First Football Game is September 4th, as previously voted on by the GHSA Board of Trustees on July 20, 2020     Eliminate preseason scrimmage game(s) but continue practice with players in the controlled environment

Cheerleading: (Due to high risk of indoor packed arena(s) which do not allow for social distancing)     Continue to practice as outlined in previous guidance so practice will be in a controlled environment   Adjust the competition season to align with the proposed new dates for Region and State Championship         Dates will be published when venue(s) are secured to best accommodate the needs of cheerleading     Tentative first date for competitions would be November 21, 2020     Tentative State Cheerleading Finals would be February 26-27, 2020

One Act Play: (Due to risk of indoor venues and aerosol spray from projection and singers)     Tentative move to spring semester, details will be forwarded when Tommy Whittle returns from vacation


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