GHSA updates summer workout guidelines
The following message was released from the Georgia High School Association on Wednesday, July 15.
The GHSA and the Sports Medicine Advisory Council appreciates our member schools' continued efforts in the successful implementation of the Coronavirus Guidance Plan.
After our meeting today, the GHSA has elected to implement the use of football helmets only with the following stipulations:
1) football players may be issued a football helmet to begin using on July 20th and
2) schools must sanitize the helmet before and after each workout.
All previously distributed correspondence is still in place until further notice, especially no use of locker rooms.
The GHSA and the SMAC has started the discussion concerning the start of the acclimatization period (beginning July 27), first date for practice (August 1) and the first contest date (different for each Sport/Activity). More information will be available following next week's meeting.
The GHSA Office is expecting all schools to continue reporting any and all Positive COVID-19 cases (list positive test date, athlete or coach, and sport) results since June 8th to Don Corr at
In addition to the positive cases, we are requesting you report any and all individuals who have been screened out of any conditioning workouts (list date screened out, athlete or coach, and sport) to Don Corr at
Recommendations and restrictions are fluid and subject to change. Safety must be our top priority.
Thanks for all you and your staff do for the student/athletes in the State of Georgia. GHSA Executive Director
Robin Hines