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Latest info from GHSA regarding COVID-19 response

The latest release from the Georgia High School Association regarding the organization's COVID-19 response. May 6:

I just want to touch base with everyone although there is no concrete news that I can provide. I am in the process of gathering as much information as possible to narrow down a date that we may be able to begin some type of face to face work with our student athletes. We will be looking at local, state and national information to attempt to make the best decision going forward. I am hopeful that we can implement a measured return to training with guidance in June. All of the information needed to make such a decision is not available but we are working toward this goal. Social distancing, reduced numbers of athletes and coaches per session, disinfecting facilities as well as standard hygiene practices will certainly be a part of any return to sport training. Again, no decisions have been made at this time.

I appreciate your patience, I know you are ready to get back to normal and providing for your athletes. Be safe and let me know if I can do anything for you.

Robin Hines GHSA Executive Director


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